Search our archives on in-house pro bono news.

Across the Globe, 3M Lawyers Take Pride in Pro Bono Projects

June 19, 2018

Legal departments, even those at major companies, often avoid using their lawyering talents to serve any client but their corporate client. But not 3M Co. Ivan Fong, the company’s general counsel, finds that doing pro bono work is an important way for the 260 lawyers he supervises around the globe to gain solid experience doing interesting legal work while supporting their communities at the same time.

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Photos: Bay Area’s top in-house lawyers honored

March 2, 2018

Bay Area Corporate Counsel honorees had the sold-out crowd chuckling — and reflecting — throughout the evening at the 2018 Bay Area Corporate Counsel awards dinner on March 1 at the Four Seasons Hotel in East Palo Alto.

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And the Award Goes To…

January 31, 2018

PBI will present Gregory B. Jordan and the Legal Department of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.** (PNC) with the 2018 Laurie D. Zelon Pro Bono Award at a special luncheon on Thursday, February 22 during the 2018 PBI Annual Conference. PBI’s Zelon Award honors Judge Zelon’s leadership and her extraordinary contributions to enhancing justice for all.

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Schedule a Clinic in a Box® Program in 2018

December 12, 2017

The CPBO Clinic in a Box® program has come a long way since its inception as a pro bono opportunity at the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting (AM). While it continues to be an annual pro bono event for ACC AM attendees and local chapter members, the program has grown in popularity and the options have expanded.

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Five Reasons to Attend CPBO’s “Getting Started Series”

December 12, 2017

New to in-house pro bono? Thinking about formalizing your department’s pro bono efforts, but don’t know where to start? CPBO has the answers! Join us for an exciting new program that covers all you need to know: the “Getting Started Series: How to Launch an In-House Pro Bono Program” running from March – June 2018.

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Justice Ginsburg to Accept Hall of Fame Award

December 12, 2017

PBI is honored to present the Inaugural Esther F. Lardent Hall of Fame for Excellence in Pro Bono Award to Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court of the United States, at PBI’s Reception on February 22, 2018 at the National Museum for Women in the Arts.

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Power Up Your February

December 12, 2017

PBI’s 2018 Annual Conference is just a couple of months away! This year’s substantive sessions address emerging geopolitical realities, persistent challenges faced by pro bono programs, and novel and cutting-edge issues. With an unparalleled mix of law firm, in-house, and public interest leaders – and numerous opportunities for formal and informal networking – the PBI Annual Conference also offers a compelling introduction to emerging areas of public interest law and potential projects.

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