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CPBO Spotlight On: Aetna, Inc.

March 13, 2012

CPBO recognizes the success of Aetna, Inc.’s pro bono program, which was founded in 1981. Aetna’s legal department participates in programs such as the Connecticut Lawyers’ Legal Aid to the Elderly, Lawyers for Children America, among many others.

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The Age of Skilled Volunteerism

March 2, 2012

The PBEye ponders Evan Hochberg of Deloitte’s article in the Huffington Post regarding the exponentially higher monetary value of skilled volunteerism in comparison to that of traditional volunteer services.

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Bolstering Pro Bono with Public Interest Funding

February 24, 2012

Harvard Law’s One Day’s Work program, through which second-year law students working as summer associates contribute a day’s salary and work to support classmates working without pay for public interest organizations, demonstrates the growing interest in pro bono work among generation Y lawyers.

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CPBO Spotlight On: The Williams Companies

February 15, 2012

The Williams Companies maintains a strong pro bono program with focuses on elder care, guardian ad litem cases, and also partners with external organizations to run the Courthouse Assistance Program.

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Verizon Communications Inc. Pro Bono Policy

February 7, 2012

VERIZON LEGAL DEPARTMENT PRO BONO POLICY I. Policy Statement Verizon is committed to providing the highest quality communications services to its customers. Verizon’s services are indispensible to millions of individuals, charities, businesses, and governments, and the communications enabled by Verizon’s networks facilitate relationships, aid, and commerce worldwide. Verizon’s employees deliver these services with a focus […]

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Ten Steps to Start a Pro Bono Program

February 7, 2012

PRO BONO PROGRAM DEVELOMENT GUIDE: TEN STEPS TO START A PRO BONO PROGRAM The following is a step-by-step guide on how to start a pro bono program in your legal department or at your local ACC Chapter. We at Corporate Pro Bono have broken the process down into ten steps, starting from choosing the right […]

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