Search our archives on in-house pro bono news.

Pro Bono Through the Fog

December 13, 2012

Co-hosted by CPBO, ACC-Northeast, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, the Boston Bar Foundation, and The Lawyers Clearinghouse the clinic assisted 13 nonprofits.

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Pro Bono: Trending Global

November 29, 2012

In cooperation with PBI, Latham & Watkins LLP has updated and expanded its survey of pro bono practices, obstacles, and opportunities to include more than 70 countries.

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CPBO in an Empire State of Mind

November 27, 2012

CPBO hosted a meeting for pro bono leaders from legal departments in the greater New York City area and met individually with representatives from both local and visiting departments.

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Protecting Women from Violence with Pro Bono

November 26, 2012

While ending violence against women is undoubtedly a daunting task, attorneys have eagerly risen to the challenge. The PBEye highlights how for many lawyers the fight to end violence extends well beyond a designated day, and often involves countless pro bono resources to protect the basic human rights of women.

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In Support of Our Elders

November 21, 2012

The PBEye identifies a number of in-house counsel who have dedicated their time to assist elderly clients in need.

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