Search our archives on in-house pro bono news.

Pro Bono Performance and Your Outside Firms

September 30, 2013

PBI releases its annual Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge Report. Law Firm Challenge Signatories are continuing their commitment to pro bono, performing more than 4.3 million hours of pro bono service in 2012.

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In-House Hot Topic: Technology

September 24, 2013

During the In-House Track at this year’s PBI Annual Conference, in-house counsel and other legal department staff broke into groups to discuss a variety of hot topics relevant to the continued development of in-house pro bono.

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Legal Departments, Law Firms, and Pro Bono

September 13, 2013

According to CPBO’s 2012 Benchmarking Survey, pro bono partnerships are on the rise: 86 percent of responding legal departments partnered with law firms on pro bono in 2012, up from 68 percent in 2010.

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In-House Hot Topic: Recognizing Pro Bono

September 3, 2013

During the In-House Track at this year’s PBI Annual Conference, in-house counsel and other legal department staff broke into groups to discuss a variety of hot topics relevant to the continued development of in-house pro bono.

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