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Lawyers Support Houston Firefighters

November 22, 2013

Houston Volunteer Lawyers and the LyondellBasell legal department mobilized attorneys to provide Houston area firefighters with pro bono estate planning services.

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CPBO Loves New York

November 13, 2013

CPBO hosted its third annual in-person meeting for pro bono leaders from legal departments in the greater New York area and met individually with representatives from local in-house departments.

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A Monumental Month for CPBO and ACC Chapters

November 5, 2013

CPBO works with ACC Chapters around the world on their pro bono efforts, from hosting Clinic in a Box® programs to developing ongoing pro bono programs. Last month, CPBO had the pleasure of working with several Chapters in three cities across the U.S., as well as talking to other Chapters leaders from far and wide.

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