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Webinar Recap: In-House Pro Bono Trends

December 10, 2013

PBI hosted a webinar exploring developments within in-house pro bono. The program discussed the 2012 CPBO Benchmarking Report, which summarizes the results of a survey regarding in-house pro bono trends.

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A Social Network Committed to Social Responsibility

December 3, 2013

To help address the bureaucracy surrounding government health insurance programs, Fenwick & West, Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County, and Facebook volunteers educate clients about the various options available for affordable healthcare.

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No Legal Department Office Left Behind

November 26, 2013

At this year’s PBI Annual Conference, in-house counsel and other legal department pro bono leaders broke into groups to discuss a variety of topics relevant to the continued development of in-house pro bono.

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