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The Age of Skilled Volunteerism

The PBEye
March 2, 2012

The PBEye was delighted to see an article in the Huffington Post by our friends at Deloitte** discussing the value of skilled volunteerism.  The article, “The Promise of Pro Bono,” by Evan Hochberg, national director of community involvement, really hit the mark.  Hochberg writes:

Simply stated, if a million people spend an hour volunteering in a traditional manner (i.e., serving food, stuffing envelopes, raking leaves, painting playground equipment, etc.), the monetary value of that time would equal $21 million, based on the current value of a volunteer hour, as estimated by The Independent Sector. But if a million people contributed specialized business skills and knowledge, the value to the community would be exponentially greater, based on the marketplace value for a professional’s skills.


The article discusses all sorts of skilled volunteerism—not just that of lawyers.  The PBEye is always happy to see professionals across industries using their unique business skill sets to benefit their communities.