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Spotlight on ExxonMobil: A History of Pro Bono Commitment

ExxonMobil’s legal department has a longstanding history of pro bono.  With the formalization of a pro bono program in the 1980s, ExxonMobil has been a respected leader in the changing face of pro bono.  The legal department has been influential in creating and sustaining momentum for pro bono within the larger in-house community.

Providing Something for Everyone
Part of the department’s success can be attributed to the support of the General Counsels throughout the years.  ExxonMobil’s leaders have been very active in the pro bono program and believe in the importance of giving back to the community.  The program has also been useful in creating a sense of community within the department, with managers encouraging non-attorney staff to become involved as well.  Staff has conducted initial interviews for legal clinics, assisted with intake, and administered surveys.  Not only does this foster inter-department relationships, but staff members acquire a set of skills outside their day-to-day assignments.  Peggy Montgomery, counsel, believes that the pro bono program has been a key element in team-building.  “They’re [support staff] getting to know other parts of the department.  They know someone in that group.  It’s not just a name on a piece of paper.”

With multiple phases to the program, volunteer attorneys and staff are given the opportunity to choose among several options.  Some volunteers choose to provide limited services (two four-hour, one-time commitments) or provide ongoing pro bono services.  One-time legal clinics have proven to be a popular option.  Projects have ranged from family law, immigration, nonprofit assistance, and veterans’ issues.

Strength through Partnering
ExxonMobil believes in the power of partnerships.  Attorneys from the legal department have actively participated in pro bono activities through the Houston Bar Association’s Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources, Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts, and Texas Appleseed.  ExxonMobil also promotes and encourages its peer corporations and outside law firms to join in staffing legal clinics and to get involved in pro bono activities.


Developed by Corporate Pro Bono
A global partnership project of the Pro Bono Institute and the Association of Corporate Counsel