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Pro Bono Junkies: Some Addictions are Good

In-house Access
November, 27 2012

Eric Henricks is an assistant general counsel with the Investments Practice Group at Nationwide Insurance. He is currently the chair of Nationwide’s pro bono committee a past chair of the Central Ohio ACC’s pro bono committee and president of ACC’s Central Ohio chapter.

I admit it. I am guilty. I blew off a chapter leader’s breakfast at the 2012 ACC Annual Meeting to break the fast with a tiny, but determined, band of advocates, junkies in fact — pro bono junkies (PBJs). True believers, one and all. They call themselves Corporate Pro Bono. It’s a global operation whose primary goal is to disrupt and transform the traditional delivery system of pro bono legal services to the poor, disadvantaged, and other individuals and groups unable to secure legal assistance. They are successful by any measure and continue to challenge the perceived norms and models of access to justice.”

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