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Merck Gives Pro Bono Aid to Homeless Heroes

May 24, 2012

“More than a year ago, Merck, the pharmaceutical leader, decided that as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts it wanted to help homeless veterans, so the company began funding a terrific nonprofit called Community of Hope.  The nonprofit doesn’t limit its support to veterans, but it has become a special port in the storm for veterans who have found themselves with nowhere to go.  Community of Hope provides a safe haven where homeless vets – both men and women – can regain their footing, finding not only food and shelter but important job training skills that will help them become self sufficient again.  Merck’s funds were earmarked for precisely this sort of job support.

As Merck’s relationship with Community of Hope deepened through its continued support, however, Merck employees realized that there was often another obstacle that many of these homeless vets faced in order to get back on their feet: legal problems.  Some veterans had single legal issues and others had multiple issues that overwhelmed the veteran as well as the Community of Hope staff attempting to assist them.  It might be divorce agreements from the past, or housing, or parking tickets or health issues that required legal counsel in order to secure benefits – but whatever the issue, it often served as a roadblock to stability.”

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