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Fidelity Investments Demonstrates Commitment to Legal Pro Bono Work

Demonstrating its commitment to pro bono service, the legal department at Fidelity Investments partnered with Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO) and Bingham McCutchen LLP (a Signatory to the Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge®) to host a CPBO Clinic in a Box℠ program and provide legal assistance to nine Boston-area nonprofit organizations.  The clinic took place at the Bingham McCutchen offices on October 5, 2010, and gave 38 Fidelity lawyers and legal department staff the opportunity to conduct a legal health assessment of each of the nonprofit clients in attendance.  The Fidelity Corporate Services & Sponsorship team recruited the Boston-area nonprofit clients.

Fidelity Investments General Counsel Marc Gary – a longtime pro bono supporter – attended the clinic and addressed the Fidelity volunteers, commending them on their pro bono efforts and generating enthusiasm for the legal department’s pro bono program.  Mr. Gary said that the clinic was only the beginning of a robust long-term pro bono program at Fidelity. Jennifer Brown, Executive Vice President of Corporate Services and Sponsorships at Fidelity, also expressed her gratitude to the volunteers and thanked the legal department for providing legal advice to the nonprofit organizations supported by the company.

The clinic began with an hour and a half training session for Fidelity volunteers led by Laurie Cerveny, Jenny Cooper, Julia Jacobson, Marc Anthony Angelone, Sarah Gagan, Amy Mugherini, and Rachelle Dubow of Bingham McCutchen.

The volunteers then met with representatives of the nonprofit organizations to provide pro bono legal advice.  The volunteers discussed a checklist of legal issues developed by CPBO and tailored to Massachusetts state law by Bingham lawyers.  Volunteers were able to identify legal issues of concern and provide guidance to the nonprofits as needed.  Many of the nonprofits are now aware of key legal matters that require ongoing attention, and a number of the volunteers will continue to provide pro bono services to the clients they served at the clinic.

Fidelity has supported hundreds of civic, charitable, arts, and cultural organizations across the United States.  The Boston-area nonprofit clients served at the clinic focus on issues ranging from jobs training and placement to empowering youth through artistic expression.

Clinic-in-a-Box℠ is an off-the-shelf model developed and administered by CPBO for in-house counsel interested in legal pro bono work.  For more information about Clinic in a Box℠, please contact Eve Runyon, director of CPBO, or visit www.cpbo.org.


Developed by Corporate Pro Bono
A global partnership project of the Pro Bono Institute and the Association of Corporate Counsel