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Doing Well By Doing Good – A Microsoft Hallmark

The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel
June 26, 2012

“Heiner: Microsoft believes that the mission of large organizations must extend beyond profit. Microsoft is a leader in philanthropy, corporate governance and human rights, among other things. Earlier this spring, Corporate Responsibility Magazine listed Microsoft in the number three spot on its prestigious annual list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens.

In its CSR work, Microsoft is focused on the “opportunity divide” among young people. That is the growing gap between those who are prospering and the tens of millions of young people who are not because they lack the education, skills or resources they need to be successful in a rapidly changing economy. We are bringing our technology, people and other resources to bear to help close the opportunity gap. . .

We strongly encourage employees to take on pro bono projects and many do. At a department-wide level, we cofounded (with Angelina Jolie) an organization focused on securing legal rights for immigrant children called Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). KIND partners with about 60 law firms and law departments to provide pro bono legal services to kids facing deportation and other legal problems.”

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