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Dell Inc. Honors Law Firms with Pro Bono Award

At a ceremony on January 25, 2011, the Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Dell Inc., Larry Tu, presented two law firms with Dell’s inaugural Pro Bono Award.

The idea for the award came from the Dell Legal Department’s Community Involvement/Pro Bono Committee which wanted to do something to recognize the valuable assistance various law firms have provided Dell Legal with respect to its pro bono activities.  The Committee came up with the idea of an annual award that could be given to one or more of the department’s law firm partners as a small token of its appreciation for their support.

After careful consideration, the Committee decided that two law firms were equally deserving of this award: Vinson & Elkins LLP and Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Moody, P.C.  The award to V&E is in recognition of the evening clinic it has jointly-staffed with Dell Legal for over five years.  This clinic provides legal counseling to low income Central Texans.  Graves Dougherty has also been an important partner of Dell Legal with respect to its pro bono activities, having worked with a number of attorneys for organizations including Texas C-BAR, the Austin Yellow Bike Project and the Austin Zoo.

Accepting the award on behalf of Vinson & Elkins was the Managing Partner of the firm’s Austin Office, William Volk.  Acelyn Ross, Counsel in that office was called out for special recognition for her activities with respect to organizing the evening clinic.  Accepting the award on behalf of Graves Dougherty was the firm’s President, Michael Whellan.  Also in attendance was one of the firm’s founding partners, Chrys Dougherty who has a long history of community service.  Jim Laughead, a Partner with the firm who sadly passed away the previous year, was called out for special recognition for his assistance to Dell on pro bono matters.


Developed by Corporate Pro Bono
A global partnership project of the Pro Bono Institute and the Association of Corporate Counsel