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ACC-Northeast Clinic in a Box Program: The Gift of Pro Bono Legal Services

The PBEye
December 24, 2013

For the third year in a row, CPBO, Association of Corporate Counsel-Northeast Chapter (ACC-Northeast), Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo*†, and The Lawyers Clearinghouse celebrated the season of giving by hosting a Clinic in a Box® Program to provide pro bono legal services to local nonprofit organizations. Once again, Mintz Levin generously hosted the Clinic in its Boston office and members of ACC-Northeast turned out in force; more than 40 volunteers dedicated their time and legal expertise to assist 12 nonprofits.

As in past years, the Clinic began with a 90-minute training session led by attorneys from Mintz Levin on governance, employment, taxation, and other legal topics important to nonprofit operations. After the training session, ACC-Northeast members met in small teams with an assigned local nonprofit to conduct a legal audit.

Volunteer attorneys came from a wide variety of companies, including the 2013 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox, Biogen Idec Inc., Boston Scientific Corporation, Liberty Mutual Holding Company Inc., National Grid USA, and Reebok International Ltd. Several registered in-house counsel participated under Massachusetts’s newly effective practice rule governing in-house pro bono legal services.

The participating nonprofits provide many valuable services, such as funding research into rare and lesser known cancers, providing shelter and services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, and protecting the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers.

Feedback from volunteers and clients alike was tremendously positive. One volunteer noted, “This was a great experience in that I was able to teach the client and learn at the same time.” A representative of one the clients said “Fantastic experience! Very helpful and user friendly!”

Cheers to the Boston in-house community, Mintz Levin, and The Lawyers Clearinghouse for continuing to co-host the Clinic and give the gift of pro bono legal services. And, here’s to continued success in 2014 and beyond!

Those interested in learning more about past CPBO Clinic in a Box® Programs should click here. You may also contact CPBO Director Eve Runyon to learn more about hosting a Clinic in a Box® Program.

* denotes a Signatory to the Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge®
† denotes a Member of the Law Firm Pro Bono Project