Happy Trails

The PBEye
June 20, 2011

Two top leaders and longtime friends of the Pro Bono Institute will depart the Association of Corporate Counsel* (ACC) at the end of this month. Fred Krebs, president, and Susan Hackett, senior vice president and general counsel, have each been at ACC for more than two decades and throughout their tenure have been consistent and strong supporters of in-house pro bono and Corporate Pro Bono.

Under Krebs’ direction, ACC grew from a small organization to the leading global organization addressing the needs of in-house counsel. PBI partnered with ACC eleven years ago to form CPBO. Since that time, Hackett has served as ACC’s liaison to the project as the leader of ACC’s pro bono and diversity initiatives. Her work with CPBO exemplifies her ingenuity, passion and foresight. Before in-house pro bono became a growing trend, she understood the value in and importance of providing support to in-house pro bono initiatives.

CPBO regularly works with ACC members and chapters, providing consulting services to help support and grow in-house pro bono programs. In addition, CPBO has planned Clinic in a BoxSM programs with multiple ACC chapters across the country, including a clinic with the Chicago ACC Chapter this past month. CPBO will host a clinic in July with the Minnesota ACC Chapter.

The PBEye is sad to see such great friends of CPBO depart ACC, but we know they’ll be tremendously successful in their future endeavors. All the best, Fred and Susan!

*denotes Signatory to the Corporate Pro Bono ChallengeSM