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United to Give Back

The PBEye
June 24, 2014

United Way of Central Ohio partners with Central Ohio ACC Chapter, CPBO and Barnes & Thornburg to jump start a program to provide free legal education to financially strapped UWCO member nonprofits.

“On June 23, CPBO, Central Ohio ACC Chapter (CO-ACC), United Way of Central Ohio (UWCO), and Barnes & Thornburg*† co-hosted a free legal education program in Columbus, Ohio, for UWCO member agencies on hiring and firing. The concept for the event sprung from a Clinic in a Box®program co-hosted by the same organizations in May 2013 that The PBEye reported on in OH, What a View!  At that clinic, Eric Henricks, assistant general counsel at Nationwide Insurance** and past chair of CO-ACC’s pro bono committee, saw the potential for CO-ACC members to continue assisting UWCO member nonprofits throughout the year, not just as the result of the occasional clinic. UWCO leadership was interested in the idea, as were the other co-hosts.  That began a year-long process of conversations, research, and planning that resulted in a wildly successful program that all hope will be the first in a series.”

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