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Marathon Oil Co. recognized for pro bono work

Tex Parte Blog
November, 21 2012

“Houston-based Marathon Oil Co. is the recipient of this year’s Magna Stella Pro Bono Award, which recognizes corporate legal departments that take extra steps to encourage their attorneys and staff to provide free legal services to low-income Texans.

The Texas Access to Justice Commission, in conjunction with the Texas General Counsel Forum, presents the award. Karen Lukin, a senior counsel and pro bono coordinator at Marathon, says she accepted the award on behalf of the company’s legal department during the TGCF’s annual awards dinner Nov. 8 in San Antonio.

Lufkin says Marathon’s attorneys and staff provided 970 hours of pro bono work in 2008. The number of pro bono hours provided by Marathon personnel has increased steadily over the years, reaching 1,486 in 2011, she says.”

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