CPBO can help to determine the needs and interests of your legal department and community and tailor a pro bono program that is right for you – there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Specifically, CPBO offers:

To learn more about CPBO, check out our Who We Are, What We Do infographic.

We are pleased to share our 2024 Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® Report: In-House Pro Bono on the Rise, which benchmarks pro bono performance by 42 CPBO Challenge® signatories that provided responses to the annual survey regarding their departments’ pro bono participation in 2023.

The Corporate Pro Bono Challenge initiative serves as an important benchmark for corporate legal departments by measuring and reporting on pro bono participation, and highlighting the capacity of in-house counsel to assist in the delivery of pro bono legal services. We hope that companies of all sizes and across all industries are inspired by this report to join the Corporate Pro Bono Challenge initiative and to participate in delivering much-needed legal services to underserved communities. View the full report here.

The Microsoft Pro Bono Program and the Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO®) project of Pro Bono Institute co-created this Pro Bono Maturity Model as a tool for other corporate, in-house pro bono programs to assess the evolution of their pro bono efforts and to provide a framework for identifying specific opportunities for growth and development.

We are pleased to share this resource with other legal departments and hope it will inspire the planning and evolution of more in-house pro bono programs.

Latest in-house pro bono news

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Delivering Impact Through Pro Bono Volunteerism

April 22, 2024

Capital One April 22, 2024 Launched in 2020, Capital One’s Skills-Based Pro Bono program built upon volunteerism efforts from their Brand, Design, and Legal departments. This program now serves as an enterprise-wide effort that directly supports organizations such as nonprofits, startups, small businesses and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to help build capacity to meet […]


UK companies commit to pro bono legal work through new pledge

April 10, 2024

Lexpert April 10, 2024 Major companies have signed the UK in-house pro bono pledge, a commitment to increase the participation of their legal teams in pro bono activities. The pledge, initiated by the In House Pro Bono Group, National Pro Bono Centre, and GC100, aims to encourage at least 25 percent of their UK-based lawyers […]


Corporate Pro Bono Community

Join the Corporate Pro Bono Community Leaders Group! This group allows in-house pro bono leaders to ask queries, and connect with, colleagues at other companies with similar interests or desired experiences to have conversations on topics of interest to them. The purpose of this community is to allow for targeted, relevant, collegial, and candid conversation and exploration between in-house pro bono leaders. If interested, please email cpbo@probonoinst.org for more information.